2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Silicon is the second most common element on the planet after oxygen. This is an extremely important mineral for the body, which is present in the human body mainly in the form of silanate and silicic acid.
Benefits of silicon
The main function of silicon is a structural element. Aging of the cells in the body is associated with silicon deficiency, which is also responsible for metabolic processes in the body. This means that without silicon there is no tissue strength and elasticity.
Silicon is an extremely important mineral for immunity. The unique thing about it is that it manages to catch various pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi and successfully remove them from the body. It is an amazing fact that it has a selective function - this means that it captures and removes only harmful bacteria, leaving beneficial bacteria in the body.
Maintaining sufficient silicon in the body means that at the slightest symptom of dangerous microorganisms it will react and the possibility of disease is very small.
Silicon is a calcium antagonist, which means that in the absence of silicon follows calcification in the body. It is extremely important to monitor silicon levels in the body because there is no organ, tissue or system in which it does not participate.
Pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children need higher levels of silicon than other people. In the growing organism, where its most important systems are still being built, providing the connection between the brain and the body, silicon plays a very important role. It controls the proper growth and development of man. Silicon deficiency causes problems with the bone apparatus, heart valves, tendons, teeth, endocrine glands and others.
The organs that maintain the highest reserves of silicon in the body are the heart, lymph nodes and thyroid gland. In the case of a health problem, silicon progressively depletes its reserves, which is why it is important for people who are more often ill or have a chronic disease to get systemic silicon.
As far back as 1912, a German doctor discovered that silicon had the ability to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Forty years later, evidence has emerged that confirms that patients with atherosclerosis have lower levels of silicon in the walls of blood vessels.
The following beneficial effect of silicon is that it affects the conduction of nerve fibers and is responsible for the functions of certain brain structures. It supplies energy to the part of the brain that is responsible for control and coordination in space. For this reason, rapid fatigue, general weakness, distraction and irritability can be symptoms of the so-called. silicon anemia.
According to many modern scientists, the aging process of man is largely due to a deficiency of silicon. With age, the amount of this element in the human body decreases. This is an irreversible process, but by taking food supplements it is possible to overcome the deficiency.
According to some data, silicon is actively involved in the metabolism of a number of vital minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine, sulfur and others. It has been found that it plays a very important role in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, as well as in the synthesis of a very important protein - collagen, which largely determines the condition of hair, skin, nails, joints, tendons and more.
Silicon deficiency
Silicon deficiency is a condition characterized by decreased levels of silicon in the body. Symptoms that may indicate the presence of silicon deficiency, are constant fatigue, distraction, thinning hair, brittle nails, premature aging of the skin, too weak or underdeveloped bone system.

Causes of silicon deficiency
Silicon deficiency usually occurs due to inadequately low food intake.
In developed countries, the most common causes are chronic alcoholism and severe cases of anorexia.
Risk factors
Pregnant and breastfeeding women are at risk of developing silicon deficiency. People who have a poor diet or suffer from anorexia may also develop silicon deficiency.
Exposure to certain adverse conditions leads to silicon deficiency. These include: alcohol abuse, tobacco (nicotine), cola drinks, most soft drinks (other than natural juices), coffee and tea (caffeinated and decaffeinated), chocolate (cocoa), inorganic mineral water, polluted air, refined sugar and refined sugar substitutes, cooked foods, refined and processed foods, polyunsaturated fats, radiation exposure, microwave foods, synthetic estrogen, birth control pills, most medications.
Symptoms of silicon deficiency
Silicon deficiency can be detected when skin, hair and nail deterioration occurs.
- Hair becomes brittle, loses its shine and falls out;
- The nails are brittle;
- The skin becomes thinner;
- Wrinkles appear;
- The person observes slower wound healing;
- As silicon acts against oxidative stress, its deficiency can accelerate atherosclerosis of the arteries and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease;
- Bone metabolism is affected by impaired mineralization and osteoporosis. The bones are weaker and break more easily;
- There is also fatigue, loss of appetite and mood swings;
- Silicon can probably prevent Alzheimer's disease, so silicon deficiency can lead to cognitive impairment;
- Sleep disturbance (insomnia) may occur;
- Digestive disorders and stomach pain;
- Problems with teeth and gums.
Treatment of silicon deficiency

Increased intake of silicon with food or intake of dietary supplements can solve the problem, although too high doses of silicon are not recommended. Silicon is found in plants, especially in apples, cereals, nuts, oranges, cucumbers, pumpkins, fish, unrefined cereals, oats, almonds, onions and carrots. Silicon is also found in some herbs such as birch, black cohosh, black walnut, celery, ginseng, horsetail, nettle, oregon grapes, parsley, mint, rose hips and thyme.
Sources of silicon
The foods that are best source of silicon are beets, kambi, alfalfa, salt, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and horsetail. Other very good sources of the mineral are apples, fish, honey, pumpkin, cucumbers, onions, carrots, almonds, oats, oranges, raw cabbage and peanuts. Interestingly, higher silicon levels are concentrated in hard water and relatively less in soft water.
Potassium, manganese, magnesium, boron and calcium contribute to the efficient use of silicon by the body. In order for a person to be healthy and with high enough levels of silicon in the body, he must eat a complete and varied diet.
The richest in silicon foods
1. Green beans
Green beans are among the richest in silicon vegetables. One glass contains about 7 milligrams of silicon dioxide, which is about 25% to 35% of the average American silica intake.
2. Bananas
As for fruits, bananas are one of the best sources of silica. An average peeled banana has 4.77 milligrams of silica.
3. Leafy greens
Many different types of leafy green vegetables are sources of silica. A serving of 2 tablespoons spinach contains 4.1 milligrams of silica.
4. Brown rice
Although each type of rice contains silicon dioxide, brown rice has the highest amount. Three overflowing tablespoons contain 4, 51 milligrams of silica.
5. Cereals
Two tablespoons of oat bran have 3.27 milligrams of silica.
6. Lentils
Lentils are a protein-rich grain product that is a good source of silica. Red lentils have the most silicon dioxide, with 1 tablespoon containing 1.77 milligrams.
7. Beer
Beer contains more silica per glass than any other food or drink. Silica is produced during the cooking process.
Food Sources Of Silicon

We all know that in order to be healthy, strong and to have a stable immune system, it is necessary to provide our body with a number of vital nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, eating a varied and complete diet. Silicon is one of the most valuable minerals for health, the second most important chemical element after oxygen.