Here's How Sea Salt Helps Keep Hair, Skin And Nails Healthy

Here's How Sea Salt Helps Keep Hair, Skin And Nails Healthy
Here's How Sea Salt Helps Keep Hair, Skin And Nails Healthy

When the body's normal salt balance is disturbed, it affects the nails, hair and skin. The shine of the hair is lost, the skin dries out, dandruff appears, the nails darken and are brittle, there is hair loss.

These changes occur most often when the weather is cold and dry. Sea salt can be used as a cosmetic. See how sea salt helps for healthy hair, skin and nails.

1. Sea salt for hair

Homemade masks or other cosmetic products, which contain sea salt, help oily hair by maintaining or giving it shine. Peeling dandruff also helps, as blood circulation in the scalp area improves.

2. Sea salt for skin

Body scrub with salt
Body scrub with salt

Products containing sea salt, improve the function of the skin, maintain the water-lipid structure and so the skin finds it harder to lose water. Sea salt perfectly hydrates and supports the skin and is also an effective exfoliant.

Sea salt deeply cleanses pores and impurities such as dead cells, bacteria that can cause inflammation. Helps treat acne and reduces sebum.

3. Sea salt for nails

Mask with sea salt
Mask with sea salt

The cuticles of the nails become soft after the use of products with sea salt, and in combination with baking soda they restore their normal transparent appearance and clean stains on the nails.
