Say Goodbye To Extra Pounds With The Miraculous Juice Of Goulash

Say Goodbye To Extra Pounds With The Miraculous Juice Of Goulash
Say Goodbye To Extra Pounds With The Miraculous Juice Of Goulash

The ground apple, better known as gulia, is one of the most underestimated vegetables in our country. However, the small and seemingly unattractive tubers that appear on the market from time to time are a universal food for weight loss.

Guliya is a rare delicacy in any fine cuisine. In our lands it is less common because it is replaced by potatoes. It appears in the period from August to November. The edible root tubers taste like sweet turnips and are crispy like walnuts. Who has decided to lose weight, the party is the right choice.

Weight loss with gulia does not bother the body. The tubers of the plant have a high percentage of inulin. It dulls the feeling of hunger in a natural way and brings important minerals to the body. The plant detoxifies the body and prevents the formation of adipose tissue.

One of the easiest ways to lose weight with goulash is to take the juice from the tubers of the plant. This should be done 5 times a day, 1 tsp. fresh juice. To get the maximum benefits, do not swallow the juice immediately, but leave it in the mouth for a while.

The qualities of the earth apple have been valued by the Indians since. They called it a horse apple. It contains a lot of iron - good for the blood and huge amounts of calcium and silicic acid. This makes it an extremely good food that satiates, but also carries almost no calories.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Even if you take it raw, it guarantees you perfect shapes as well as beautiful skin, hair and extremely strong bones. It is especially recommended during the winter because it strengthens the immune system, relieves cold symptoms and protects against disease. It also helps with anemia and beriberi.
