Useful Properties Of Garlic

Useful Properties Of Garlic
Useful Properties Of Garlic

Garlic has proven its useful qualities over the centuries. In winter it is very important to consume garlic because it protects against colds and flu.

Garlic is the best immunostimulant. Two cloves of garlic a day give a great result - the flu and colds can not fight your strong immune system.

Garlic is also useful if you are already ill. Pour four cloves of garlic, finely chopped, with a glass of warm milk. Bring to a boil, strain and sweeten with honey.

Drink a few sips of the hot drink four times a day. To rid your body of accumulations of harmful substances such as mercury, lead and cadmium, eat one clove of garlic a day.

This natural immunostimulant cleanses blood vessels and protects against atherosclerosis. In three months of regular consumption of garlic will remove up to twenty percent of cholesterol plaques.

Garlic cloves
Garlic cloves

To stay in shape, eat garlic every day. Due to the high content of useful vitamins and minerals, garlic is the best natural vitamin complex.

To prevent thrombosis, pour 250 g of finely chopped garlic with 350 g of liquid honey. Allow the mixture to stand in the dark for seven days. This drug is taken for a month and a half 1 tablespoon before each meal.

This mixture is useful for people who suffer from hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Regular consumption of garlic improves mood, energizes and positivism.

For concentration, improve memory and a surge of creativity, consume more garlic. It supplies the brain with the substances it needs.

Garlic helps you look good for a long time. It is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process, improves metabolism and maintains tissue elasticity.

Garlic helps to lose weight. It burns sugar, reduces the desire to consume sweets, prolongs the feeling of satiety and helps maintain optimal weight.
