What Is Protein Starvation?

What Is Protein Starvation?
What Is Protein Starvation?

In his own way essence protein starvation is a type of diet that for many people is faster and easier. This view of this type of diet is because it is not necessary to limit the amount of food, but rather the types of foods we eat.

This is not the case at all. Protein starvation or the protein diet is heavy during the first readings for up to six days (depending on the eating habits of the person applying it), because the diet involves fasting during these days. The purpose of this fasting is for the body to adapt to the current regime.

The foods we should give up during this fasting period are:

- sausages and sausages;

- meat and fish;

- milk and milk products;

- cream (of any type) and cottage cheese.

The main idea is the body begins to absorb proteinwhich are obtained from crops and not from animal products. Unlike animal products, which burden the kidneys and liver, plant proteins are gentle on the body. By plant proteins we can understand:

- legumes and crops;

- cereals;

- soy and seaweed;

- seeds and nuts.

Soy is allowed during protein starvation
Soy is allowed during protein starvation

On the other hand, some people may have a protein deficiency, which can be caused by both protein starvation and the lack of diets or diets. You can tell if you have a protein deficiency if you have any of the following symptoms:

- pain in the stomach and intestines;

- nausea or diarrhea;

- swelling of the limbs;

- slow wound healing or hair loss;

- rapid weight loss (in the absence of diet);

- weakening of the immune system.

In any case, the lack of protein, as well as any of the other vital substances, becomes a problem to which our brain responds by sending us various signals. These signals need to be addressed and action taken to address the problem.

Proteins obtained from plant products are poorer in protein than meat, which means that we deprive our body of important substances (based on the amount of protein in animal and plant products).

When choosing a diet of any type, it is recommended to pay serious attention to the diseases, if any, as well as the needs of the body, so as not to reach unpleasant circumstances. The best option is to consult a professional, namely a nutritionist, to guide you to the most suitable diet for you.
