Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer

Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer
Semi-finished Products Cause Cancer

Frequent use of large amounts of ready-made food leads to cancer in women, say nutritionists. In recent years, as our daily lives become more and more hectic, the fairer sex find less and less time to cook.

Modern man generally fails to eat wholesome meals with a considered amount of calories and sugar and starch content. According to nutritionists, the healthiest and most complete food includes the consumption of vegetables and meat mostly.

However, their preparation takes a long time. Which forces the modern household to use semi-finished products more often on its table.

64,500 people took part in a study by Swedish scientists. In the end, they concluded that there is a direct link between the use of high-calorie fast food products and the development of cancer in women. It is a cancer of the uterus, breast, skin, pancreas.

The explanation of scientists is that semi-finished products and fast food products have a higher sugar content. It quickly accumulates in tissues and blood, and stimulates the growth of cancer cells.

Semi-finished products cause cancer
Semi-finished products cause cancer

Women over the age of 49 are several times more likely to develop breast cancer than younger women, according to the BBC.

A few days ago, experts from the World Cancer Foundation warned that consumption of semi-finished products, instant soups, packaged and frozen foods lead to health problems.

Doctors are adamant that the typical American diet, which contains too much salt and saturated fat and is low in fiber, increases the risk of hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Semi-finished soups, for example, have a high salt content, which is associated with a number of health problems. The maximum recommended amount of salt taken in one day is 6 grams. However, in many places these soups contain double or triple the amount of salt.
