What Are Healthy Foods For Men?

What Are Healthy Foods For Men?
What Are Healthy Foods For Men?

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Probably all men know that the quality of food depends on their quality of life. However, for various reasons, they do not pay attention to the advice of nutritionists.

The physiological characteristics of the body of both sexes differ dramatically, so both men and women need an individual approach to dietary choice.

It is worth mentioning that scientists are conducting more than a dozen studies in the field of male power. As a result, they were able to find that a competent approach to product selection allows men over 30 to maintain good health, good mood and strength, as well as to protect themselves from certain diseases to which they are often exposed. These diseases include: prostate cancer, hypertension, heart attacks and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In recent years, many members of the stronger sex have opted for a vegetarian diet that excludes animal products. Of course, it has its advantages. However, in this case, nutritionists recommend that they carefully assess their diet and do not forget to provide their body with all the essential nutrients necessary for their normal life. Special attention should be paid to:

Protein - the lack of meat to be compensated by consuming cereals, eggs, nuts, dairy products, cereals;


Calcium - bone health depends on it. Contained in dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, as well as in dairy products - cheese, cheese, milk;

Iron - affects the level of hemoglobin and therefore the resistance of viruses and bacteria. Eat lots of green vegetables - spinach, nettles;

Vitamin B12 - this vitamin is responsible for our well-being and good health. Found in eggs, cheese and hard beans;

Fiber - needed for proper digestion. Contained in vegetables and fruits.

Top foods for men are:

Flaxseed - naturally lowers blood cholesterol levels;

Cereals - daily consumption of cereals will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and depression, as well as to normalize blood pressure;

Red meat - an excellent source of protein, as well as vitamin E and carotenoids;

Green tea - it saturates the body with antioxidants to effectively deal with stress.
