Lasagna - The Delicious Queen Of Pasta

Lasagna - The Delicious Queen Of Pasta
Lasagna - The Delicious Queen Of Pasta

She is the queen of pastes! Aromatic, appetizing, juicy, lasagna it never goes unnoticed. With the smell of minced meat mixed with the taste of freshly baked wheat dough! And grated baked parmesan…

You will swear that this almost mythical dish is a work of Italian culinary art, right? But this is not quite so.

Lasagna was born a very, very long time ago, somewhere in the period of antiquity. Before the dish we know today, based on meat and Italian cheeses, the Greek and Roman people prepared lagana. So they called a thin sheet of steamed dough in which they put the stuffing. It was made up of meat - whatever was on hand, such as chicken, pork or fish. It was mixed with eggs and other spices unknown today. In the end, everything was sprinkled with fish brine and baked like a pie.

Lasagna Bolognese
Lasagna Bolognese

The name lasagna appears during the Middle Ages under the influence of the Arabs, who prepared their recipe for a dish called lauzina. It was a thin dough crust filled with crushed almonds, which was first a dessert, but later began to be prepared with cheeses similar to mozzarella.

Although far from the current lasagna, this dish was composed of several layers, separated by stuffing, and served as the inspiration for today's recipes, so valued by the Italians and prepared mostly with Bolognese sauce.

Classic Lasagna Bolognese
Classic Lasagna Bolognese

Nowadays, the most common lasagna is prepared mostly from minced meat and various types of cheese. Of course, there are many varieties such as vegetarian lasagna or gorgonzola and spinach lasagna. Despite the many remarkable variations of the favorite dish though homemade lasagna remains one of the most popular and easiest to prepare.

Whatever the addition to the recipes, it is made on the basis of dry or fresh pasta leaves with tomato sauce and Béchamel sauce, in a pan greased with oil or olive oil, which allow the dish to bake perfectly without drying out. In the recipe for lasagna Bolognese, the dough is never boiled.

Lasagna products
Lasagna products

Not so with small vegetables if you decide to include them. They must be cooked over low heat. For lasagna Bolognese choose fresh beef, preferably not frozen. You can diversify the dish with an angel, for example, which must also be ground into a nice piece. The sauce should be thick enough to be able to serve to connect the individual elements of the dish. If it becomes too thick, it could be diluted with milk.

Serve with salad, olives or walnuts and a few basil leaves!
