Can Saffron Be Used To Treat Coronavirus?

Can Saffron Be Used To Treat Coronavirus?
Can Saffron Be Used To Treat Coronavirus?

With the proposals of the plague of the XXI century - coronavirus, to be treated with saffron, came out of the Bulgarian National Association of Producers of Saffron and Organic Saffron Products. The organization said that the plant is already used in our southern neighbor Turkey, and its extract, produced on an alcohol base, is used as a disinfectant.

Saffron contains an impressive variety of plant compounds that act as antioxidants - molecules that protect cells from free radicals and oxidative stress. Notable saffron antioxidants include crocin, crocetin, safranal and kaempferol.

Crocin and crocetin are carotenoid pigments and are responsible for the color of saffron. Both compounds can have antidepressant properties, protect brain cells from progressive damage, improve inflammation, reduce appetite and promote weight loss.

Kaempferol, which is found in the petals of saffron flowers, reduces inflammation in the body, such as those caused by colds and flu.

It is known that among those most affected by the coronavirus are people with heart problems. Saffron can reduce the risk factors for various heart diseases. Studies show that the antioxidant properties of saffron can lower blood cholesterol and prevent clogging of blood vessels.


The plant can lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity, as seen in studies in tubes and mice with diabetes.

Saffron can to improve vision in adults with macular degeneration, as well as to improve memory in adults with Alzheimer's disease due to its powerful antioxidant properties.

The use of saffron and saffron products cleanses the whole body and cures at least 100 types of the most dangerous diseases for the human body. It is currently used to treat Alzheimer's, impaired vision, as well as to purify the body and protect the immune system.
