Culinary Use Of Saffron

Culinary Use Of Saffron
Culinary Use Of Saffron

In ancient times, saffron was the most famous and used herb. In addition to healing, it was also part of magical elixirs. Today, saffron is the most expensive herb in the world, indispensable in the preparation of many dishes.

As a spice, dark, orange tentacles are used. In dry form, it enjoys an atypical aroma and slightly bitter taste.

In our country saffron is not a very popular spice. This is mainly due to the necessary growing conditions. It is resistant to dry and warm winds, as well as cold winters. It grows mostly in Greece and Spain. Its name comes from Latin - safranum, translated as yellow.

Saffron has a relatively bitter taste and a specific odor resembling iodoform or hay. These characteristics are due to its composition. It contains over 150 essential and aromatic compounds. There is no lack of volatile oils and wax - a real spectacle of benefits.

In culinary terms, the use of saffron is most common in Indian, Arabic and Asian cuisine. In Europe, it is mostly used in the Mediterranean, where it is grown.

Apart from being a spice, saffron also has the function of a colorant. It is therefore often added to confectionery and spirits.

Rice with Saffron
Rice with Saffron

One of the main rules in the use of saffron is its economical use. Its strong aroma requires minimal amounts added to dishes. It is an indispensable spice for all kinds of fish and seafood.

Of the meats, chicken is best. It is also added to rice and couscous, as well as to tomato soups. It is also part of various pasta products, and is added during kneading.

When saffron is added to a particular dish, it is done at the very end of cooking. The spice is stored in tightly closed boxes, in a dark and dry place.

Saffron has a high price. This is due to the high costs of cultivation and processing. Therefore, since ancient times there have been attempts at forgery, against which there were strict laws.

However, even today fraudsters offer marigold petals, mixtures of turmeric and others instead of real saffron.
