Coffee Protects Us From Psychosis And Heart Disease

Coffee Protects Us From Psychosis And Heart Disease
Coffee Protects Us From Psychosis And Heart Disease

A US study found that the most ardent fans of coffee, who drink between three and five cups a day, live longer than those who do not consume the drink. They are much less at risk of premature death due to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Parkinson's. In addition, they commit suicide much less frequently.

The authors of the study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that coffee has a beneficial effect, whether it is caffeine or not. This is very strange, because until now it was assumed that caffeine is the one that has a positive effect. However, it turns out that coffee itself acts as a prevention against disease.

The study analyzed data from three large studies. In them, a total of 300,000 health experts and medical professionals have completed surveys about their health and lifestyle over the past 30 years.

They were divided into three large groups. The first was from people who did not drink coffee. The second consumed small amounts of the hot drink - up to two glasses a day, and the third took moderate amounts - between two and five glasses a day.


A comparison of the data showed that there was a link between drinking coffee and the reduced risk of early illness, although the reason for this is not yet clear. Unlike earlier studies, no link was found between coffee and a reduced risk of cancer.

In almost 100% of cases, it turns out that moderate coffee consumption leads to a reduced risk of death. Regular consumption of the hot drink protects us from the development of neurological, cardiovascular and psychological problems and diseases.

Experts believe that coffee can be included in any healthy diet without interfering with other habits. However, it is not suitable for everyone and is not recommended for children and pregnant women.
