Appetizers For White Wine

Appetizers For White Wine
Appetizers For White Wine

Wine is the oldest drink produced by man. It is a natural miracle with a divine taste, which has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, strengthens the immune system. Along with this, its main role is to accompany our food to the table. In order to truly enjoy the taste of food and drink, we must take into account which wine is suitable for which appetizers and dishesbecause white and red wines go well with different types of food and combine with different tastes.

Foods for white wine and white wine for food

White wine is a light drink and has its own specific qualities. It is combines with certain foodsother than those suitable for heavier red wines, and the foods and appetizers suitable for the two main types of wine are not many.

The first thing you need to know about consumption of white wine, is that it should be served in a glass with a high pillar. White wine should be drunk at a certain temperature and the high handle will prevent it from warming from body heat. This way it will stay beer all the time until it is consumed.

White wine is not particularly suitable for drinking with salad. However, a good combination will be obtained if the salad is made of green leafy vegetables, which are seasoned with the best friend of white wine - cheese. All types of cheese are suitable appetizer for white wine. Salads with mayonnaise or milk-based are also suitable for white wine.

White wine goes with white meat. Chicken breasts, most fish and all seafood, as well as rabbit meat are a suitable plateau to white wine. Oily fish such as salmon and carp can be served with both types of wine - white and red, but more suitable for white.

White wine and desserts are also suitable for combination, especially if the dessert is fruit-based or with cheese. Cheesecake, fruit pie, cream cake go well with a glass of chilled white wine. The same goes for chocolate and wine as for meat, light chocolate goes with light-looking wine.
