Proper Storage Of Spices

Proper Storage Of Spices
Proper Storage Of Spices

There are basic rules in everything in housework, spices are no exception. For them, these rules are related not only to their proper use in various dishes, but also to their adequate storage.

The main rules when storing spices are not to leave them in warm and sunlit places. It is best to store in dark cabinets with medium temperature and low humidity. Another factor that affects the quality of spices are the smells in the kitchen. It is necessary to store the spices in separate containers that have a lid and are opaque - to be opened when they need to be used.

If you are used to storing all the types of spices you have in the same place, in one container, then you have probably noticed that whichever of the spices you add to a dish, they all have the same mixed and confused taste. Keeping them in the same place loses the meaning of their use.

Proper storage of spices
Proper storage of spices

Most spices are available on the market in two versions - ready-ground powdered and those that we have to grate ourselves. We can find vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, black peppercorns or sticks and grate them just before use - so the aroma is much stronger.

If you grow different spices at home, you can store them in several ways. The drying option is well known. Tie the spice in a bundle and leave it in a ventilated and dry place until it dries. A good method is to spread the spice on a newspaper and cover with another, then leave to dry.

Finally it is stored in jars or boxes. Herbs are also dried in this way. If you decide, you can also store fresh spices in the freezer - pre-washed and cut, then stored in boxes or bags.
