Proper Storage Of Eggs

Proper Storage Of Eggs
Proper Storage Of Eggs

Proper storage of eggs is extremely important, especially in the days after Easter, when many eggs remain. The issue of their preservation directly concerns our health.

Salmonella is hidden in fresh eggs. It is good not to eat eggs that are too soft. Salmonella is found mainly in the yolk, but it can also be found in the protein, so you need to be careful.

It is important when buying eggs to buy them from a place where they were cold. At home, eggs should only sit in the refrigerator.

The salmonella bacterium grows rapidly at room temperature, so you should not risk leaving the eggs in the room for a long time.

A common place to store eggs is the refrigerator door. It turns out that there is not very appropriate. Keep the eggs in the coldest place in your refrigerator.

Do not stock up on large quantities of eggs, buy the necessary amount for the real needs of your household. It is recommended to use raw eggs within three weeks of purchase.

If you have prepared something only with the yolks or only with the egg whites and you have stored the unused part in the refrigerator, know that it can be stored for no more than four days.

Consumption of hard-boiled eggs does not protect you from dangers. This is a statement in which doctors are adamant. After cooking, the eggs should be cooled and stored in the refrigerator. It is good to eat boiled eggs within a week.

Since it is normal for eggs to remain after Easter, it actually turns out that it is advisable not to eat them at all. According to experts, painted eggs left out of the refrigerator for more than two hours should be discarded.

The best solution for the rest of your eggs is to quickly make an egg salad and make the most of them. It is important after lifting the table to immediately store them in the cold, and those that were a decoration of the table just throw away.
