Planting And Growing Savory In A Pot

Planting And Growing Savory In A Pot
Planting And Growing Savory In A Pot

Savory is an annual herbaceous plant. Balkan savory is an evergreen perennial plant. It is one of the few spices that, when dried, acquires a more intense aroma.

The savory is thought to have come from somewhere in the Middle East.

Its leaves and flowers contain essential oils and tannins. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, reduces the formation of gas in the intestines and increases appetite, has bactericidal, weak diuretic, diaphoretic and anthelmintic action.


Savory is also used for gastrointestinal disorders and vomiting. It is also actively used in cooking.

Savory, like almost any herb, is suitable for growing indoors in winter and outdoors in spring and summer. The condition for successful cultivation of the spice is that the pots with herbs are placed in a place that reaches at least 5 hours of sunlight per day. The south terraces, protected from the wind, are suitable.

The container (pot or box) in which the savory will be planted must be at least 15 cm deep and have holes in the bottom so that the water can drain away. It is good to use a ready and light soil mixture to avoid various diseases.

Dried spices
Dried spices

The savory is planted in the spring. At the bottom of the dish is placed 8-10 cm of soil. The seeds are placed, which are then transplanted at a distance of not less than 20 cm from each other, covered with another 4-5 cm of soil, which should be spread carefully and without much pressure.

Finally, water with enough water to slightly moisten the soil. After planting, wait 3-4 days before watering the seeds again.

The savory germinates in about 10 days and reaches a height of about 30 cm. The first picking for seasoning dishes can be done as soon as the stalks are deciduous and no later than the first flowering. It should be done in the morning. Flowering plants are unfit for consumption.

The savory is dried by uprooting the plant at the beginning of flowering (July-August), washing it, draining it and hanging it in the shade in a ventilated place. The dried leaves are plowed and stored in a suitable tightly closed package, which is kept in a dry place.
