Folk Medicine With Feverfew

Folk Medicine With Feverfew
Folk Medicine With Feverfew

Zhivenicheto is a perennial herbaceous plant that blooms in May-September. It is gray-brown, without a characteristic odor, but with a pronounced, bitter taste.

It can be found all over the country, along roads, in damp shady places and forests, up to 1000 m. In folk and traditional medicine the rhizomes are used together with the tubers.

The rhizomes of the periwinkle are removed in autumn, during the months of September-October. They are best dried in the shade or in an oven at a temperature of up to 40 ° C.

Most often the herb is used because of its anti-inflammatory action. It is used to treat inflamed lymph nodes and throat, hemorrhoids, scrofula and goiter. Externally applied again for hemorrhoids, all kinds of skin inflammation and disease, boils, redness, freckles and others.

For internal use, a decoction of feverfew is prepared. For this purpose, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped roots are immersed in 600 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes, then strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before the main meals.

Herb Zhiveniche
Herb Zhiveniche

Decoction of the root is used not only for throat problems, as swollen glands and inflamed tonsils, but also for deep abscesses and lymphedema and as an "in" tonic. In China it is mixed with salt.

The plant should be taken only under medical supervision. Large doses of it are poisonous. Do not take by people with heart disease and arrhythmias, as it is a strong cardiac stimulant.

In addition to the roots, the leaves of the plant are also used in folk medicine. They are used to clear toxins, especially in conditions of lymphatic disorders, rheumatism, as well as psoriasis or eczema.

Such tinctures of the leaves are taken in combination with other herbs that help digestion. Recommended for constipation and intestinal laziness. In combination with herbs such as dock, dog grape or burdock, it is used in the treatment of various skin conditions.

Painful swellings, ulcers and wounds are covered with a compress soaked in the infusion. In case of eczema, skin inflammations and fungal infections, rinsing is done.
