Indrisheto Helps With High Blood Pressure

Indrisheto Helps With High Blood Pressure
Indrisheto Helps With High Blood Pressure

Indrisha contains essential oil, which helps with many health problems - it is effective in diseases of the nervous system, gynecological diseases, rheumatism and arthritis, skin diseases and more.

The essential oil and leaves of the plant dilate blood vessels, help the digestive process, have antiseptic action.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, the herb is used mainly for diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure. The plant is also known as an aid in eliminating persistent cough.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, make the following recipe with indrishe:

"You need five sheets of indrishe." Put them in a bowl with 800 ml of water and leave on the stove, after the mixture boils, reduce and wait until the mixture remains 500 ml. Then you need to strain the decoction and drink it three times a day.


It is good to take it about 20 minutes before a meal. Use this decoction for a month, then rest again for a month. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Before making the prescription, however, you need to visit a specialist who will tell you how to treat your hypertension. Herbs can also be dangerous if not taken properly, so trust a phytotherapist.

Another effective way to lower blood pressure is to help with diabetes. It is enough to eat two or three fresh leaves of indrishe. And with this recipe, it is recommended to consume the herb before a meal - about half an hour before sitting at the table.

Our latest recipe includes more products:

- Make a mixture with 500 g of honey, 20 fresh leaves of geranium and indrishe (from it are put the leaves with stalks). To them add 100 g of walnuts and 20 sweet almonds crushed in a wooden mortar.

Mix well and add four lemons, which you have previously ground with a meat grinder or blender.

Lemons are put together with the peel, but without seeds. Finally, add 12 g of hawthorn and valerian tincture to the mixture, as well as 1 tbsp. cinnamon powder. From this mixture eat 1 tbsp. three times a day twenty minutes before meals.
