Types Of Salads Or Do You Differentiate From Salad To Salad

Types Of Salads Or Do You Differentiate From Salad To Salad
Types Of Salads Or Do You Differentiate From Salad To Salad

Salads give each chef the opportunity to experiment with different flavors, colors and textures. They can be simple as a mixture of different leafy vegetables or contain surprising combinations of leaves, vegetables, seeds or pasta. They are an excellent addition to meat, fish or seafood.

However, you should know that salads are divided into several types, which are good to distinguish:

Salad appetizers / first course

They are made to impress the customer. They should whet his appetite and make him look forward to the next meal. These salads should have fresh and crunchy products, with a fragrant dressing and a very attractive appearance. Cheese, ham, cold meats, shrimps or crabs can be added to them. With front or lightly processed products, these salads give a stylish start to any meal.

Fish salad
Fish salad

Salad garnishes

They should be in harmony with the rest of the food, as well as all other garnishes. These salads should be light and fragrant, taking into account what you serve them. It will not be appropriate to serve potato salad with potato chips and french fries. Such salads are a good choice for a plate of sandwiches as a main dish for lunch.

Salads as a main dish

They should be large enough to replace the whole dish, and usually contain a significant amount of protein, in the form of meat, poultry, fish or seafood. There should also be a vegetarian version with cheese, eggs, tofu or legumes. This type of salad gives an excellent opportunity to use the imagination.


Salads as a separate dish

They are served to cleanse the palate after a rich main course and are served just before dessert. A few green leaves with a light vinaigrette or fruit salad for the best option.

Dessert salads

They are usually fruit and nuts, ice cream or cream are added to them. They are too sweet and are available on the dessert menu.
