Unexplained Appetite

Unexplained Appetite
Unexplained Appetite

Increased appetite is a normal state of the body during the cold months. It often occurs as a reaction to the outside world, such as low ambient temperatures. On the other hand, a similar symptom occurs when dieting.

In reality, however, the unexplained increase in appetite is most often the result of disturbances in your normal life cycle: insomnia, stress, nerves, alcohol. In others, it manifests itself as an attempt to calm themselves, as autotherapy.

In medical circles, the feeling of increased appetite is determined by the diagnosis of polyphagia. It is characterized by the need for increased food intake.

Excessive Food
Excessive Food

Hunger and appetite are sensations regulated by the complex interactions between the endocrine, digestive and nervous systems. The most common cause of increased appetite is hypoglycemia.

In her case, such an increase in appetite is caused by sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, causing excessive release of insulin into the blood. People with diabetes are most susceptible to hypoglycemia. In fact, one of the first symptoms of diabetes is increased appetite.


On the other hand, increased appetite may be due to disorders in the systems that regulate appetite and blood sugar, as well as specific circumstances, such as pregnancy. In pregnant women, overeating is justified, but like anything else, it must be within limits.

The inexplicably strong feeling of hunger can also be explained by the presence of endocrine conditions, such as Bazeda's disease and hyperthyroidism. In them, the body produces excess amounts of thyroid hormones. Along with the increase in hunger, these conditions are accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss, hyperactivity, insomnia and others.

On the other hand, any such eating disorder can be the result of emotional states such as depression, stress and anxiety. On the other hand, the body can react in this way to the use of antidepressants, oral contraceptives and others.

It is interesting that if the unexplained appetite is manifested only in certain foods, such as sour, salty, etc., then this is a clear sign of the presence of worms.
