Unexplained Weight Loss - Possible Causes

Unexplained Weight Loss - Possible Causes
Unexplained Weight Loss - Possible Causes

Losing a few pounds is a dream come true for a large part of the female class. However, if your weight starts to drop drastically, there is a problem. If you lose too many pounds, then you are deficient in an important substance for the body.

Here are the possible reasons for unexplained weight loss.


Usually, when people are upset or events in their lives have negatively affected their mental state, they lose their appetite. Then you have no desire for anything, much less to eat, but in this way you deprive the body of the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning. If your condition does not go away soon, consult a psychologist.

Metabolic disorder

Unexplained weight loss - possible causes
Unexplained weight loss - possible causes

Or rather hormonal imbalance. If there is a problem with the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal or pancreas, it can also lead to excessive weight loss. Then you will not feel a lack of appetite, but no matter how much you eat, you will lose weight, and seriously. Other symptoms of these diseases, for which you should immediately visit a specialist, are frequent mood swings, dry skin, palpitations and rapid heartbeat.

Improper nutrition

This refers to the inaccurate intake of necessary substances. You can eat, but not with the products that the body needs to perform its functions. Both obesity and weight loss can be a sign of poor nutrition, so pay more attention to your menu.

Stomach problems

Unexplained weight loss - possible causes
Unexplained weight loss - possible causes

In addition to weight loss due to a stomach problem, you may also notice heaviness in this area, bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea. See a doctor to find out if the disorder is in the gastrointestinal tract.

Infectious diseases

Hepatitis or AIDS. You should know that they can grow in the body for a long time without showing any sign of their presence. Therefore, when you notice a sudden and inexplicable weight loss, keep one thing in mind. This may be the first symptom.


Unexplained weight loss - possible causes
Unexplained weight loss - possible causes

They are usually accompanied by drastic weight loss, lack of appetite, disturbances in taste buds.
