Weight Loss With A Protein Diet

Weight Loss With A Protein Diet
Weight Loss With A Protein Diet

According to nutritionists, protein diets are one of the most successful. Many Hollywood stars follow protein diets, and this is not surprising, because they are very effective, especially if combined with exercise.

The basic principle of a protein diet is not to eat food that turns into fat. It was developed by Pierre Ducan.

While following this diet, it is extremely important to drink plenty of water. It has a purifying effect and satisfies hunger.

When you start the diet, the food should only be baked, grilled or cooked. Season with a little olive oil and salt, alcohol is prohibited. Always have breakfast and do not miss meals.

The diet is divided into four stages, each of which allows different foods.

The first stage lasts five days and with proper nutrition can lose up to 5 kg.

The main thing to eat is meat, but without any fat - beef, fish, skinless chicken. Pork and lamb are not allowed.

Season your dishes with dill, onion, parsley, thyme. Oil, ketchup, mustard and the like should not be used. You can also eat liver, it is very useful. Oilier fish are also allowed, as well as hard-boiled eggs, wheat bran.

Drink coffee, but without sugar and drink at least a liter and a half of water a day.

The second stage lasts one week and includes the permitted products and vegetables. Combine days with consumption of pure protein with vegetables. It is good to eat only meat one day and add vegetables the next. Potatoes, legumes and rice should not be consumed.

The duration of the third stage is determined by multiplying by ten pounds lost from the beginning of the diet. One fruit per day is added to meat and vegetables. Only grapes, bananas and cherries are prohibited. You can eat two slices of wholemeal bread a day and two servings of potatoes or rice a week. Add to the permitted meats and pork fillet. One day a week should be taken only pure protein - meat, fish or eggs.

The fourth stage includes only one restriction and that is until the designated day of the week for pure proteins. This day should be the same, if you choose Monday you should observe it. On other days, eat sensibly, without fizzy drinks, fatty foods, sweets and pasta.
