Diet For Weight Loss

Diet For Weight Loss
Diet For Weight Loss

It is known that there is a direct link between health, beauty and nutrition. To look good and feel good, you need to part with the extra pounds you have gained.

One of the most common diets for weight loss is vegetarian. Strict vegetarianism is not recommended, but what allows the consumption of milk, eggs, dairy products and even fish.

The vegetarian diet helps to purify the body, but people who are accustomed to eating meat and it is important to them, should use it only as a relaxing diet.

The plant diet does not contain toxic and purine substances, it is rich in mineral salts and vitamins, but plant proteins are more difficult to digest than animal proteins and do not contain important amino acids.

Diet for weight loss
Diet for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, switch to

vegetarian diet for about a month, then gradually return to the meat.

If you decide to follow a strict vegetarian diet, strengthen your body with olive oil and honey. You can easily lose weight with an egg-milk diet, which includes foods of plant origin. This diet excludes meat and fish from the menu.

Raw vegetables, oatmeal, soft-boiled eggs, wholemeal bread, cottage cheese, low-fat cream, cheese, honey and dried acai berry and maki berry are allowed on the shelves of organic food stores.

Unsweetened tea from rose hips, linden, mint and other herbs, unsweetened coffee, cocoa, fresh and yogurt, kefir, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, mineral water are allowed.

Vegetable and milk soups are allowed, all kinds of fruits and vegetables - boiled, baked, stewed and steamed. All types of fruits, foods that contain cottage cheese and eggs, compotes, fruit creams are allowed.

It is recommended that most fruits be eaten raw rather than as a compote.
