Harms And Benefits Of Spices

Harms And Benefits Of Spices
Harms And Benefits Of Spices

The famous saying goes that you can't spoil a porridge with butter, but you can spoil a dish with spices.

Therefore, applying different spices, you need to know when to stop. With the help of spices you can improve the taste of the dish, its appearance, for example, by changing the color. You can add spices to get a special refined aroma. But it is always important to remember that the taste of the dish does not depend on the amount of spices added, but on their skillful use, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Many spices have the ability to affect the condition of the product, for example by making the meat more tender, the cucumber more crunchy. A small amount of balm improves the taste of herbal teas. Sometimes it is added to milk to calm it down better.

Advantages of spices

Bay leaf and benefits of the spice
Bay leaf and benefits of the spice

The spices are widely used as excellent preservatives. For example, star anise can improve the taste of jam and does not allow it to be candied. Mustard kills mold, fungal formations. In addition, spicy plants enrich the diet with vitamins B1, B2, C and carotene, mineral salts and other nutrients.

Some spices can be used for medicinal purposes.

For example, bay leaf helps very well with stomatitis, removes toxins from the body, increases immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties. When treating a cold, you can inhale from it.

Cardamom has healing properties for digestive problems.

The very strong burning of chili pepper lowers the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the burning of extra calories, which is very important for those who monitor their figure.

Cinnamon normalizes blood sugar levels, prevents the formation of blood clots, has antimicrobial action.

Clove essential oil has a healing effect on toothache, relieves inflammation of the gums, helps with bronchitis and respiratory diseases.

"Against" spices

Influence of spices on the stomach
Influence of spices on the stomach

However, it is worth remembering that every medal has a downside. We must not forget that spices can irritate the lining of the larynx, esophagus, stomach. Therefore, if there are diseases of these organs, then you should not abuse the spices. Remember that everything needs measure. There is no definite answer among nutritionists about its benefits the damage from spices. It all depends on the condition of the body.

In chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion mustard and onions should be removed from the diet. Horseradish, garlic, green pepper, radish can be used in limited quantities.
