Boiled Corn - Why Eat It?

Boiled Corn - Why Eat It?
Boiled Corn - Why Eat It?

Corn is one of the most nutritious cereals. Raw grain contains almost 12% protein, about 6% fat and 65-70% carbohydrates. This composition raises many questions among supporters of proper nutrition.

And the main thing is how corn is good for the figure and whether it can harm.

Boiled corn season approaching. But is it worth eating if you follow the rules for a slim waist. Can we? we eat corn and whether it is a dietary product - the answer to this and other questions is in the article.

Recent studies by many nutritionists indicate that corn is even useful for weight loss and can contribute to a significant reduction in excess weight.

We immediately note that the caloric content of this product, like many others, depends not only on the variety but also on the method of preparation. And so - 100 g of corn contains:

- raw corn - 86 kcal;

- popcorn without oil - 325 kcal;

- fried corn / grilled corn - 441 kcal;

- boiled corn - 123 kcal;

- corn in the microwave / steam - 131 kcal;

- canned corn - 119 kcal.

As you can see, there are ways to prepare corn that will allow you to enjoy your favorite product without harming the figure, and there are some that you should give up if you want to look good in a swimsuit.

More benefits of eating boiled corn

Boiled corn
Boiled corn

- Corn has a positive effect on metabolism, preventing the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine;

- The product contains many nutrients and does not harm health despite the high starch content;

- Corn contains a lot of fiber that is not absorbed by the body. Whole fiber passes through the digestive tract, absorbing all the food "garbage" and removing it from the body. Fiber is also an excellent environment for beneficial intestinal bacterial flora. Fiber cleanses the body of deoxidized foods, toxins;

- Boiled or stewed corn is an excellent source of two powerful antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin. They protect the body's cells from mutations;

- Contrary to popular belief, the corn is not modified. Such a process occurs only in those varieties that are sent for oil processing.
