Yogurt Is Useful, But Only A Bucket A Day

Yogurt Is Useful, But Only A Bucket A Day
Yogurt Is Useful, But Only A Bucket A Day

The benefits of yogurt are undeniable. However, as with most products, we should not overdo it so that we can get the most out of the nutrients it contains without bothering our body.

Its composition differs from that of fresh due to the higher content of milk sugar obtained during fermentation processes.

Yogurt is high in useful proteins and carbohydrates. Many nutritionists and doctors recommend it for bone fractures and dislocations because of the pure calcium ions it contains.

It is also recommended to take for recovery from training, taking for disorders of the cardiovascular system. Calcium ions are a very important electrolyte for myocardial function.

Besides purely health benefits the yoghurt has remarkable dietary indicators. It is low in fat, which makes it a must-have product for diabetics.


With milk, people suffering from the insidious disease get the carbohydrates they need, which their body is able to process faster and easier.

Yogurt successfully lowers blood cholesterol levels. It has been shown that after one week of milk intake, the level of bad cholesterol can drop by more than 30 percent. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Another reason for the daily use of yogurt is that it is an effective remedy against acute constipation - constipation and other diseases associated with obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also effective in combating steatorrhea. The lactose contained in it gives extra energy during the day.

Experts recommend daily intake of yogurt, but the amount should not exceed 400 grams. It is good to take with oatmeal or a teaspoon of warmed honey or a spoonful of jam from roses, raspberries, strawberries.
