America Is Preparing To Ban Trans Fats

America Is Preparing To Ban Trans Fats
America Is Preparing To Ban Trans Fats

The US health authorities have announced that they want to ban artificial trans fats in food because they are very harmful to health.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, such a ban would prevent 7,000 deaths and 20,000 heart attacks in the United States each year. A two-month consultation on the issue began in the United States before a final decision is made.

Authorities are adamant that a possible ban will not affect natural trans fats in some meats and dairy products.

According to them, trans fatty acids will be limited in biscuits, popcorn, frozen pizzas, margarine, pastes, waffles and many other pasta products. French fries from fast food chains also fall into this category.


Consumption of only 2% of harmful fats increases the risk of heart attack by 30%. The government will require manufacturers to phase out the use of artificial trans fats.

Trans fats are used in the food industry because they improve the taste and increase the shelf life of products, but lead to clogging of the arteries.

Fast food
Fast food

American manufacturers began adding these artificial fats to foods in the 1950s to extend their shelf life.

They are formed by adding hydrogen to vegetable fats, which hardens them.

Doctors and nutritionists have long criticized trans fats, calling them even more harmful than saturated fats. Trans fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and increase levels of bad cholesterol.

Since 2006, US authorities have required manufacturers to indicate on product labels the amount of trans fats they include.

Seven years ago, New York became the first city to ban trans fats in restaurants. Since then, at least 15 countries and territories have followed suit.

The Independent Institute of Medicine has concluded that artificial trans fats do not bring any health benefits and that there are no levels of safe intake of harmful fats.
