They Ban Trans Fats If They Prove Their Harm

They Ban Trans Fats If They Prove Their Harm
They Ban Trans Fats If They Prove Their Harm

These days, the new European labeling requirements come into force. They require food allergens to be written on a colored background or in a different font.

The adopted law does not clarify whether hazardous substances should be listed in the menu of the establishments where they are served.

If this is not done, the other possible option is to put a board in a prominent place with information about the composition of food. To date, restaurant owners are still unaware of what to do to comply with the law.

Another novelty will be the size of the letters when writing allergens. They must be at least 1.2 mm. Even if the package is less than 80 square cm, the letters must be at least 0.9 mm.

When the product is even smaller - up to 10 square cm, manufacturers are obliged to indicate the name, ingredients that cause allergies and intolerances, net quantity and shelf life of the product.

Shopping in a Store
Shopping in a Store

Failure to label manufacturers will result in penalties. For example, retail chains that increasingly offer their own food are currently outlawed.

They have the so-called white marks, but this label lacks the "manufacturer" column. And in general - in case of incorrect labeling and inconsistency of the provided information, the hypermarket is responsible, even if the manufacturer is different.

So far, only beef and veal are required to provide information on the origin of food. From April 1, 2015 there will be such for pork, chicken, beef - sheep and goats.

Another is the case with trans fats. A common decision has not yet been taken on them in Brussels. But if it is proved indisputably that they are harmful, our country will support the ban on their use in food production.

The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency stands behind the adopted requirements and will monitor the implementation of the new regulations for labeling of goods.

In the first months, the inspectors will not impose fines and acts, but will only write prescriptions so that the producers can orient themselves in the new situation.
