Fat-free Foods

Fat-free Foods
Fat-free Foods

Fats occur naturally in meat and most dairy products. However, if we are looking for foods that do not contain any calories in them, in addition to being fat-free, they should be free of salt and sugar.

In this way we find it very difficult, because salt and sugar are contained in many more foods, even in fruits and vegetables, albeit in minimal quantities. Here are the delicious and filling foods, with little or no fat, salt and sugar.

Dairy products

Dairy products
Dairy products

They initially contain lactose, a naturally occurring milk sugar, and may contain traces of salt. But today there are more and more varieties of dairy products on the market, without added salt and sugar.

To get a healthy dairy dessert or sauce suitable for different dishes, we can take a skim yogurt, put it in cheesecloth and let it drain. The added spices are optional.

Whole grains

Bean cultures
Bean cultures

Cereals oats, barley, brown rice, millet and wheat do not contain fat, salt or sugar in their natural form. However, if you buy them in a store, in the form of baked and cereal snacks, they will inevitably contain all three unwanted ingredients.

To avoid them, prepare whole grains yourself at home. In this way, the ingredients you will add, such as salt and sugar, will be in significantly smaller quantities than those added at the factory, and can be completely avoided.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables


80% of salt intake comes from processed foods. Added sugar is found in even the healthiest-sounding foods, such as canned beans.

Dried beans, lentils and peas, cooked at home, are without added salt or fat. They are a great healthy dish. Replacing processed foods with homemade ones will reduce your overall salt intake. On the other hand, it will also be a good alternative to nutritious and healthy food.

Fruits and vegetables

Almost all fruits in their natural form do not contain fat, but only minimal doses of naturally occurring sugars and salt. The interesting thing about fruits and vegetables is that even if we grill them, steam them or cook them without added fat, it will not change the content of fat, sugar and salt in them. They are also very rich in fiber.

Frozen fruits and canned vegetables without salt are also included in the group of healthy foods.
