The Healing Ivan Tea - All Health Benefits In One Place

The Healing Ivan Tea - All Health Benefits In One Place
The Healing Ivan Tea - All Health Benefits In One Place

The drink Ivan tea has long been known in Russia and sought after by various segments of society. It has been produced industrially since the end of the 18th century and is called Dill tea, named after the village of Koporie, where its production was organized for the first time.

Forest willow is a perennial herbaceous plant with narrow leaves, long and dense rhizome - up to 40 cm and a brush of inflorescences. Propagated by rhizome and seeds and grows up to a meter and a half in height.

The plant has a pleasant taste, aroma and color during cooking and can be used as a complete replacement for traditional tea and tea drinks, without caffeine and no contraindications. Ivan tea can be called a universal home remedy, even an elixir of youth. As you know, all diseases are caused by nerves and this plant will help you cope with stress and neurosis.

Other diseases are caused by poor ecology, and Dill tea helps to remove all heavy metals and toxins from the body. It even copes with poisoning and hangovers, helps to quickly recover from a serious illness.

With regular use Ivan tea strengthens and cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, increases immunity to infectious and viral diseases, cleanses the skin, increases potency and overall body tone.

Ivan tea
Ivan tea

It's considered that Ivan tea contains about 70 useful trace elements, which means most of the Mendeleev table. In large quantities - iron, manganese, copper and in smaller - potassium, calcium, titanium, boron, nickel, lithium. Contains flavonoids that have antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic effects. It has tannins, tannins, alkaloids, chlorophyll, pectin.

As for vitamins, Ivan tea is rich in vitamin A, without which the growth and renewal of epithelial cells is impossible. This vitamin is responsible for the beauty of the skin, hair and nails, helps fight infections.

B vitamins in c the composition of Ivan-tea are necessary for many vital biochemical reactions, which is especially important for vegetarians and those who observe Christian fasts. They participate in metabolism, regulate the nervous system. Ivan tea contains more vitamin C than lemon, but when cooked most of it is destroyed.

In that useful Dill tea has a number of health properties and is used not only as a table drink, but also as a medicinal plant. It combines well with other medicinal herbs such as oregano, chamomile, mint and tolerates heat treatment well, retaining its healing and flavoring properties.

Infusions and decoctions of Ivan tea have astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory properties, calm the nervous system and stimulate the heart.

In the form of tincture Ivan tea is used for headache and insomnia, as an anti-inflammatory agent for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, colitis.

Ivan tea, Koporski tea
Ivan tea, Koporski tea

Ivan tea is useful in diseases of the stomach, intestines, stomatitis, tonsillitis, dermatitis, sunburn. Externally, the infusion is applied to wash wounds, ulcers, bruises, joint pain. It has emollient, wound healing, mild laxative and sedative effect.

Medicinal tea drink for headaches, nervous diseases (epilepsy, delirium tremens), insomnia, anemia. It has the highest protein number - 1: 400, of all known plants, ie a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Important positives willow tea drinks have properties. The fact is that it does not contain caffeine and can be used by people for whom it is contraindicated.
