Frequently Used Terms In Cooking

Frequently Used Terms In Cooking
Frequently Used Terms In Cooking

I know that most of us know what all the terms I will explain here mean, but there are others who do not understand some of the terms written in our recipes. This article is addressed to novice cooks.

So, let's start with the larding of meat - this is a process in which small incisions are made in the meat with a knife and various spices and bacon are added to them, which protects it from drying out.

Blanching follows. Personally, I use this term quite often in my recipes. This process is applied mainly with vegetables, which are immersed in boiling water for no more than ten seconds, then immediately washed under running, cold water.

The next term I will pay attention to is glazing. Meats, pastries or cakes are used. Represents pouring glaze on the listed products to give a finished look and taste. The glazes are usually sweet.

When we fry meat and want to use the leftovers that have stuck to the bottom, we fill them with wine, broth or cognac. This process is called degassing.

Soups are of two types - clear and built-up. Construction is a process in which eggs are beaten with yoghurt, yoghurt, eggs and flour, fresh milk or milk with eggs, taken from the broth and mixed with the construction. This equalizes the temperatures and the mixture can be added to the soup.

Roasting meat
Roasting meat

Spreading is a process in which it is boiled without boiling at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Used for fish, some delicate meats and some vegetables. In a bowl, boil water with aromatic spices and vegetables and as soon as it boils, remove from the heat. Put the product you want to spread in the liquid and let it stand for 15-20 minutes.

I guess almost everyone knows what sabotaging is, but for those who don't know, I'll explain. It is a quick frying in a little fat. We all love sauteed potatoes, right?

Filleting is a process in which the fillet is separated from the bone with a very sharp knife. Reduction is a process in which liquids or sauces are thickened by cooking, as a result of which their taste and aroma change.

For those who do not know what stuffing is, I will now explain. It is a filling of products with finely chopped vegetables and spices. Usually whole meats and vegetables are stuffed - poultry, eggplants, shoulders, eggs and others.
