Cheers! We Are 4th In Europe In Terms Of Drinking

Cheers! We Are 4th In Europe In Terms Of Drinking
Cheers! We Are 4th In Europe In Terms Of Drinking

Bulgaria ranks fourth in the EU in terms of drinking. It turns out that we are not so attached to alcohol that we top the list.

A new study has confirmed Europe's deep love for alcohol. As expected, the results showed that the Old Continent is drunk more than in any other part of the world. This is why Europeans are the most at risk when it comes to alcohol-related illnesses and premature death.

According to the latest training, the most drinkers are people in Lithuania. They are literally addicted to the cup. There is 18.2 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year. This makes a minimum of 3.2 drinks per day for each person in the country.

The second place of honor is occupied by the Czech Republic. There you drink 13.7 liters per year or 2.4 drinks a day. Third in the ranking, but with identical indicators, is Romania.

The fourth proud stand is our homeland. Here, 13.6 liters of alcohol test per capita per year. These are 2.4 drinks every day. Our country, although not in one of the first three places, is well above the average alcohol norm in Europe, which is up to 11.2 liters.


Unlike honorary drinkers, there are countries on the Old Continent that drink in moderation. These are the Maltese with 7.5 liters, the Italians with 7.6 liters and the Greeks - 8.5 liters. These three countries have the lowest amounts of alcohol per capita in Europe, but still do not give up their experiments.

Europeans are addicted to alcohol. This is the reason why they are most at risk of gastrointestinal cancer, as well as a number of other diseases associated with alcohol dependence.


If we have to compare, Americans drink 20% less than us and our neighbors. It consumes a little over 8 liters of alcohol per person per year. Africans drink about 6 liters, and Asians - less than 4 liters of alcohol per year, which compared to us is less than nothing.

However, if you ask a Bulgarian, they do not drink not because they do not want to, but because they simply cannot. Cheers!
