Basic Cooking Terms You Need To Know

Basic Cooking Terms You Need To Know
Basic Cooking Terms You Need To Know

- Aspic - a fir-like mass obtained from a strong broth with the addition of gelatin.

- Beefsteak - a thick slice of fillet meat, cut crosswise. Fry or grill.

- Béchamel - light milk sauce made from butter, flour and milk.

- Blanching - products such as vegetables, fruits, fish, etc. are placed in boiling water and then immediately drained or allowed to boil and then drained. Blanching aims to remove the unpleasant smell or taste of the product, to preserve its color or to reduce its volume. The skin of tomatoes, plums, peaches, apricots peels very easily after blanching and pouring cold water.

- Water bath - placing a container with a dish or products in a container with hot or boiling water in order to boil, sterilize (canning) or keep hot.

- Training - the ends of the bird's thighs are inserted into the abdominal incision, and the wings are folded behind the back or attached to the carcass with a large needle with twine in order to give the bird a nice and comfortable for heat treatment look.

Meat, boned or unboned, is trained by tightening with twine. The purpose of training is the same as for birds.

- Jigo - lamb or mutton, respect. goat leg.

- Building - thickening soups or sauces with egg yolk or whole egg, beaten with lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt or cream.

- Canapes - a base of bread, mashed potatoes, rice, etc. for roasted meat, ham, etc.

- Caramelization - heating sugar with a little water or without water over high heat until light brown. Caramelized sugar is used for glazing cakes, for lining shapes, as a seasoning for dishes with plums, quinces and more.


- Consome - broth, clarified and fortified with minced beef and egg whites.

- Cutlet - steak from the spine together with part of the rib.

- Croquettes - garnish or appetizer made from potato dough, rice, etc. in the form of balls, sticks or carrots.

- Croutons - rectangular, triangular and round slices or cubes, cut from white bread and fried in butter.

- Marinade - a mixture of water, vinegar, salt, vegetable soup and spices, raw or cooked. They are marinated in order to soften and acquire a more pleasant taste and aroma of game, mutton legs or beef. Only wine or yoghurt may be used for marinating instead of the specified mixture.

- Dry marinade - chopped meat or fish mixed with spices - salt, acid, pepper and more. and left to mature for 20-30 minutes or several hours.

- Breading - rolling slices of meat, fish, cheese or other product in flour, egg and breadcrumbs, in flour and egg white, in a slurry of flour, egg and milk, etc. and frying them then in hot fat.

- Straining - grinding a product through a strainer, sieve or blender.

- Ragu - a dish of meat, poultry, fish, tongue, etc., in which the products are cut into smaller pieces and mixed in a sauce.

- Ramsteak - stewed large piece of meat from a counterfill or ham.

Roasted meat
Roasted meat

- Soup vegetables - 1 carrot root, 1 parsley root, 1 piece of celery, 1 parsnip root and 1 onion.

- Fillet - the tender flesh on both inner sides of the spine.

- Contrafile - the meat that lies on both outer sides of the spine.

- Filtration - straining through a cloth to clarify the broth, syrup, etc.

- Larding - stabbing meat with bacon, ham, salted fish or vegetables (carrots, cherries, garlic).
