Which Foods Chase The Flu

Which Foods Chase The Flu
Which Foods Chase The Flu

Health experts advise to counteract the coming flu and colds by strengthening our immune system by consuming certain foods.

It has been proven that if the body suffers from an internal imbalance, this will reduce its resistance and viruses will multiply more easily.

To help our immune system, we need to eat properly and properly.

1. Fish - fish contains extremely useful omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are known for their ability to suppress inflammatory processes in the body. The abundance of omega-3 fatty acids in fish kills viruses and reduces anxiety symptoms.


2. Garlic - garlic is a characteristic spice for Bulgarian cuisine and despite its unpleasant odor, it is a sure protector against infections. This spice is rich in allicin, which has a strong antibacterial and antioxidant effect, which helps against colds.

3. Citrus fruits - Citrus fruits are one of the most faithful allies in the fight against colds because of their abundance of vitamin C. If you regularly eat citrus fruits, you will significantly reduce the risk of deteriorating your health. Freshly squeezed juices from these fruits can also help you fight colds.

4. Green vegetables - spinach, cabbage and peppers are very useful because they are an effective source of vitamin D, which prevents the development of viral infections.


In the summer it is easier to get this vitamin because of the sun's rays to which we are exposed daily.

5. Blueberries - Blueberries contain some of the most active antioxidants - anthocyanins, which have the ability to protect against flu and colds.

6. Dark chocolate - this chocolate is very useful because of the content of polyphenols and zinc in the cocoa from which the chocolate is made. To reduce the side effects of other ingredients such as sugar and saturated fat, you should choose chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa content and eat no more than 4 bars a day.
