Coconut - A Tropical Source Of Health And Life

Coconut - A Tropical Source Of Health And Life
Coconut - A Tropical Source Of Health And Life

We usually associate coconut, coconut milk or coconut shavings with cakes. But did you know that the coconut palm in the tropics is called the Tree of Life? And not in vain.

Coconut juice is extracted from unripe green fruits. It is transparent, with a sweet and sour taste. The aborigines often used it as drinking water, as it completely quenches thirst. Coconut juice contains many minerals, it is recommended to be consumed during heavy exercise.

Residents of tropical countries use coconut juice as a tonic, and prepare various cocktails based on it. Coconut juice does not contain fat and is low in calories - 100 milliliters contain only 16.7 kcal.

Coconut milk is already obtained from ripe fruit. It is also coconut juice, but already saturated with fat. It is a white emulsion with a thick consistency, distinctive sweet taste and smell.


Like coconut juice, coconut milk is very good for health. It contains a large number of amino acids, vitamins and ascorbic acid. According to Eastern medicine, coconut milk stimulates the cardiovascular system.

In cooking, coconut milk is added to various soups, sauces, which are used as a spice for cooking fish or mutton.

If you are trying to lose weight, you should not abuse coconut milk or products that contain it. Unlike coconut juice, it is very fatty and contains a large amount of calories.

Coconut cake
Coconut cake

Coconut oil is extracted from the dried inside of the coconut, which is used in the confectionery industry. Grated it is used to decorate confectionery - candy, sweets, chocolates, pies, cakes.

Because coconut oil helps the body absorb calcium better, doctors recommend using it to prevent osteoporosis, strengthen bones and teeth.

If we have to summarize in a few words - coconut is a natural treasure, a tropical source of health and life.
