Seeds Are A Source Of Health And Longevity

Seeds Are A Source Of Health And Longevity
Seeds Are A Source Of Health And Longevity

Seeds are often neglected at the expense of nuts, which are famous as one of the most powerful superfoods. However, they have no less useful qualities.

Despite their small size, they contain piles of vitamins and minerals. They are useful for both overall health and figure.

One of the most useful is pumpkin seeds. In addition to being rich in unsaturated fats, it also contains iron, magnesium and zinc.

They are of great importance for overall health. Pumpkin seeds also contain vitamin K, which protects against diabetes.


Flaxseed. It contains the much-needed omega-3 fatty acid for the body. In addition, it contains alpha linolenic acid and fiber, which promote proper digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. The lignans in its composition protect against tumors.

Sesame. Rich in zinc, it supports the production of collagen - essential for the good appearance and health of the skin. Calcium is extremely important for muscles and bones. Sesame seeds also contain beneficial oils that lower blood pressure.

Chia seeds. The fiber in the small seeds helps to melt belly fat. Once in the stomach, chia mixes with gastric juices to form a gel that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and control appetite. They also contain calcium, magnesium and boron. They do not contain gluten and enjoy perfect proteins.


Sunflower seeds. They contain phytosterols, essential in the fight against bad cholesterol. The proteins and fats in it are good for the heart. The magnesium in its composition keeps the nervous system healthy.

Hemp seed. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the composition of hemp seeds have anti-inflammatory effects.

Most fatty acids in its composition are characteristic of the brain. Therefore, its regular intake can be seen as a prevention against diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Hemp seed is believed to improve memory. It relieves the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It also improves mood.

It also has iron, which charges with energy. In addition, hemp seeds are one of the best sources of protein.
