The Harms Of Using Rosemary

The Harms Of Using Rosemary
The Harms Of Using Rosemary

We are all familiar or have heard about the benefits of using rosemary in all its conditions, but how much are we aware of the harm that its use can cause to our body.

Rosemary is used as a spice and has a rejuvenating effect, but it should not be consumed during pregnancy because it can cause contractions, which in turn can cause premature birth.

Rosemary also has a diuretic effect, which in some cases can lead to severe stomach upset, followed by dehydration.

It also creates a burden on the kidneys and is not good for use by people with diseases of the urinary system. There are a number of recipes for tea or decoctions of rosemary for kidney and bile problems, but before proceeding to their use, it is good to consult a specialist.

Rosemary raises blood pressure and is good to use by people with low blood pressure, but its use is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension.


Rosemary tea is a good alternative to morning coffee because it has an invigorating effect, but its use immediately before bedtime is not recommended precisely because of its effect.

There are certainly more benefits than the use of rosemary, also known as sea dew, but for people with health problems are not insignificant and the harm that its use can cause on the body.

Consumed in moderation and after taking into account the harm that its use may cause, rosemary is a unique elixir, so take advantage of it.
