Red Beans, Walnuts And Avocados Are Among The Perfect Foods For Women

Red Beans, Walnuts And Avocados Are Among The Perfect Foods For Women
Red Beans, Walnuts And Avocados Are Among The Perfect Foods For Women

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With the tender part of our readers in mind, presents a text containing information about some of the best foods for women. Of course, the listed products are good for everyone's health, but for women they have a more noticeable effect and action.

Red beans

In general, legumes are considered one of the food "treasures". And red beans are one of the best foods for the human body. First, because they are rich in antioxidants. Second - they contain valuable proteins, folate, minerals and fiber.

Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women
Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women

The composition of red beans also includes the so-called. "Resistant starch", which helps the body burn fat, saturates quickly and for a long time, controls blood sugar levels and even reduces the risk of cancer.

Even if you don't have time to cook red beans, you can trust some cans.

It is good to take no more than three bowls of red beans a week. If you are worried that this product will bring you gas, you can distribute the amount per spoon per day for the first week, then continue with two tablespoons per day.


Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women
Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women

Proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids. What more can be added? Walnuts are definitely among the healthiest foods. Eating just a handful of walnuts a day helps lower cholesterol levels, improve brain function. In addition, they have a good soporific effect.

Thanks to their regular intake, the female body successfully copes with stress and protects itself from diseases. Walnuts also have a preventive effect against cancer. Scientists recently announced that walnuts reduce the risk of breast cancer in mice. Six walnuts a day are enough to ensure the intake of nutrients.

Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women
Red beans, walnuts and avocados are among the perfect foods for women


Yes, it is high in fat. Still, avocados contain the right type of fat. The fruit is a valuable source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to avocados, women can quickly melt belly fat. Abdominal fat is a risk factor for many heart diseases and is even associated with difficulty conceiving.

Avocados contain high amounts of potassium, magnesium, folate, protein and vitamin B6, E and K. Of course, avocados are also rich in fiber.

The recommended intake is a quarter of an avocado a day.
