Walnuts Protect Women From Diabetes

Walnuts Protect Women From Diabetes
Walnuts Protect Women From Diabetes

Walnuts are known worldwide as "brain food". The reason for this is the high concentration of omega-3 fats. In order for the human brain to function properly, which is made up of about 60% structural fat, it must receive regular amounts of omega-3 acids, which are contained in the meat of cold-water fish and nuts, in particular walnuts.

Walnuts for a rich source of Vitamin C, vitamin A, B and E, as well as a number of trace elements and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus. They are an important source of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which play a key role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Walnuts protect women from diabetes
Walnuts protect women from diabetes

A recent medical study in the United States showed that regular intake of small portions walnuts, plays a crucial role in the fight against diabetes. Although not fatal, diabetes is defined as a socially significant disease. The reasons for this are the high cost of combating the complications of this chronically ill, on the one hand and the impact it has on people's daily lives, on the other.

An epidemic of diabetes. According to scientists, this is mainly due to the unhealthy lifestyle that people lead and obesity as a result of improper diet.

A study of nearly 140,000 women in the United States found that regular consumption of 28-30 grams of walnuts at least twice a week reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to women who consumed walnuts less often or exclude them from their menu altogether.

Walnuts protect women from diabetes
Walnuts protect women from diabetes

The data from this study coincide with previously obtained results from the influence of regular consumption of walnuts on the prevention of the development of diabetes. The authors of the study believe that although the study was conducted only on women, the results obtained with the same force apply to the stronger sex.

The Association of Diabetics in the United Kingdom warns that the number of people who will fight this insidious disease will almost double - from two and a half million to four million diabetics by the end of 2030.

Diabetes is an insidious systemic disease that, if not treated properly, can damage all organs in the human body. Poorly compensated diabetes can cause heart attack, decreased vision, loss of vision, and even lead to limb amputation as a complication of diabetic neuropathy.

Walnuts protect women from diabetes
Walnuts protect women from diabetes

Researchers at Harvard University in the United States have conducted a large-scale study of the health of nurses. The health of approximately 138,000 health workers has been monitored over a long period of ten years. Their eating habits were monitored, especially how often and what nuts they consumed.

The aim of the experts was to establish the impact of regular consumption on the health of volunteers. The study unequivocally showed that the risk of developing diabetes in women who ate walnuts at least twice a week was 24% lower than in others.

If you include walnuts in your menu only once a week, this risk decreases by only 13%. The fairer sex, who think of walnuts only once a month, hardly reduce the risk to their health.
