The Perfect Women's Diet Is With Olive Oil And Cheese

The Perfect Women's Diet Is With Olive Oil And Cheese
The Perfect Women's Diet Is With Olive Oil And Cheese

Recent developments in the field of dietary and healthy eating have brought to the fore the perfect women's diet. In addition to easily and efficiently losing weight, this new regimen is extremely suitable for women who want to fight breast cancer.

According to nutritionists, a diet that includes mostly cheese and olive oil has been shown to help overcome the disease and at the same time reduce body weight.

The diet to fight breast cancer was developed by a leading American nutritionist and is based on many years of research and studies. The final data show that the regimen is equally effective in both healthy women and women who want to reduce the risk of developing the disease or those who recover from it.

The emphasis in the diet is based mainly on healthy fats such as olive oil. The regime is filled with colorful vegetables and fruits, whole grains and dairy products, mainly cheese and milk. It is these foods that have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The perfect women's diet is with olive oil and cheese
The perfect women's diet is with olive oil and cheese

The healing properties of olive oil have been known since ancient times, when Hippocrates, Galen, Planius and other healers described the extraordinary healing properties of olive oil. Today's research confirms 100% of what ancient healers found.

Olive oil is much more harmless and easy to digest than butter.

A big plus is that it retains its nutritional properties even when used at very high temperatures. Regular consumption of olive oil promotes bone growth, facilitates the secretion of bile, has a laxative effect, protects against ulcers and slows aging.

The "liquid of the Gods" is a rich source of vitamins A, B, K and E, as well as many mineral salts, plant proteins and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Olive oil has been shown to protect against cardiovascular disorders, high cholesterol, certain cancers, mental disorders in the elderly, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Last but not least, olive liquid has the property to strengthen immunity and also acts as an aphrodisiac.
