That's Why Women Over 30 And 40 Should Eat Avocados

That's Why Women Over 30 And 40 Should Eat Avocados
That's Why Women Over 30 And 40 Should Eat Avocados

The unknown in our country until ten years ago avocado is gaining more and more popularity in our country. There are many reasons to include it in your menu at least one avocado a day, and today we will focus on some of the most important of them.

One avocado a day can protect us from obesity, which inevitably occurs as we move into adulthood.

This is the opinion of scientists from Loma Linda University in California, who studied more than 55 thousand men and women over a period of 11 years.

Few of those who ate at least one avocado every day had problems gaining weight with age.

However, this was not the case with the other volunteers in the study, who increased their body weight by nearly 15% after the age of 35.

Scientists are adamant that to enjoy the positive effects of consuming avocados, it is not even necessary not to consume a whole avocado, even a quarter of it will be enough.

Eating avocado daily is a great idea because eating it lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body.

That's why women over 30 and 40 should eat avocados
That's why women over 30 and 40 should eat avocados

That is why doctors are adamant that avocados should be present in the menu of all overweight people who want to lose some extra pounds.

This is especially true for women over their 30th birthday, who as a result of hormonal problems began to gain weight in the waist and pelvis.

The ladies who have followed a moderate diet, but have necessarily consumed one avocado every day, can boast of the best results.

But ladies have another reason to include it in their menu. This amazing fruit is extremely good for the heart, lowers bad cholesterol levels and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Even the one-month consumption of avocado is sufficient to increase lutein and antioxidant levels.

Ladies, include this oily fruit in your menu to take care of the health of your eyes, the beauty of your skin and your well-being in a delicious way, experts advise.

It doesn't matter exactly how you eat the avocado, scientists say. Whether you eat it in the form of pate, spread on a slice of wholemeal bread or add it to a salad, it depends entirely on your taste. You will find all kinds of recipes with avocado, or you can just add it to your morning dose of healthy smoothies.
