The Best Hangover Foods

The Best Hangover Foods
The Best Hangover Foods

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Even the biggest abstainers had to turn at least one cup on some occasion. Fans of alcoholic beverages know the unpleasant feeling of the morning after drinking - the so-called hangover. However, the feeling of dizzying headache and upset stomach can be easily overcome with the right foods.

Most hangover symptoms are due to dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic that removes from the body not only fluids but also nutrients. Thus, in the morning after a memorable evening, you wake up not only dehydrated, but also lost vital vitamins and nutrients. It is this lack that makes your body feel uncomfortable.

To cure a hangover, you need to get the substances your body needs. Treatment begins with taking a few glasses of water to restore fluid balance. This is followed by food intake.



Ginger tea has been used for thousands of years to treat nausea and relieve upset stomachs. One of the active ingredients in it - gingerol, is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress. Ginger affects the receptors for serotonin in the stomach, stopping the entry of more of the hormone. In this way it blocks the cause of nausea.



They are rich in cysteine, which helps quench toxins. The ingredient soothes nausea and vomiting and quickly improves the general condition.


These vegetables are the number one food to deal with a hangover. Green stems are loaded with most of the vitamins and minerals you lost while drinking. Scientists believe that asparagus soothes the symptoms of a hangover, especially by protecting liver cells from residual alcohol toxins.

Salty food

Sour cabbage
Sour cabbage

When you are drunk, in addition to water, your body needs a little salt. Along with everything thrown away by it, it also lost a large amount of sodium. Eating something small and salty can relieve your headache. The perfect option is sauerkraut, as it also contains healthy bacteria that fix the stomach.
