20 Medicinal Foods According To Peter Deunov

20 Medicinal Foods According To Peter Deunov
20 Medicinal Foods According To Peter Deunov

Food should give you pleasure. To make the body feel good, full of energy and life. Good food promotes good mood and positivism, with which you can provoke wonderful things. You need to consume quality and healthy products to be healthy and have the strength to cope with daily challenges.

A wonderful one list of the best food products presents Peter Dunov, according to which the menu must be varied so that the body can get all the necessary substances. Here are, according to him, the 20 foods with the best healing properties.

Walnuts - stimulate brain activity, improve memory and concentration and are very tasty, especially if added to a cake.

Parsley - a favorite green decoration that is present at every table. It is good for the stomach, heart and body as a whole.

Nettle is extremely useful according to Peter Deunov
Nettle is extremely useful according to Peter Deunov

Nettle - in addition to being useful as a preventive measure against diseases of the body, its intake can slow down the graying of hair.

Pumpkin - a clever trick that you can use when you have something important to worry about - eat a pumpkin. Pumpkin has a positive effect on the nervous system and will calm you down.

Eggplant - Few people know that this vegetable can improve your self-esteem. Recommended for introverts and people who are more insecure about their abilities.

Lentils - helps with vision problems and more specifically with myopia.

Cooked beans - to keep the kidneys healthy and prevent problems with them.

Lemon - strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight viruses and energizes the body.

Apples - take care of beauty, so, ladies, attack!

Deunov claims that cherries are unique to the body
Deunov claims that cherries are unique to the body

Cherries - a wonderful fruit that charges the body with positive energy and improves blood circulation.

Watermelon - a wonderful summer fruit that gives energy, positive emotions and freshness.

Melon - it should be consumed by more hot-tempered natures, as it calms and makes us more patient with others.

Figs - contributes to the well-being of the whole organism.

Peaches - relieve stomach upset. They are consumed with an upset stomach and discomfort. Wed. the most healing foods according to Deunov.

Deunov ranks apricots among the most useful foods
Deunov ranks apricots among the most useful foods

Apricots - it is good to eat for liver problems, as well as for prevention of such. They also help with anemia.

Rice - Rice is believed to be food for spiritual growth and peace. Improves concentration and is very useful for those who like to meditate.

Peas - its advantage is also associated with beauty, namely the creation of an even skin tone.

Tomatoes - have a very good effect on the blood. Exceptional medicinal food according to Deunov.

Potatoes - increase the feeling of satisfaction and satisfaction, which we sometimes feel a great need.

Sugar beet - taken for vision problems.
