Hot Foods According To Ayurveda

Hot Foods According To Ayurveda
Hot Foods According To Ayurveda

The ancient science of Ayurvedic life has an easy explanation - each season has its own predominant element. In summer, this is the hot element pie - fire. Thus, in order to find a balance between fire in nature and the pie element in food, we naturally withdraw from spicy and heavy foods and focus on light and soothing foods.

Nature has given us enough food to use as an air conditioner for body and soul: fruits and vegetables rich in water, aromatic herbs such as mint and coriander, fresh cheese, yogurt.

Only hot foods can preserve health according to Ayurveda. Hot food helps the digestive system, while cold interferes with it.

Of course, ancient science does not mean that the food consumed must have a specific temperature. The approach to nutrition in Ayurveda is based on which body type (dosha) you belong to.

The main types are 3 (vata, pita and kapha), but there are also mixed. In relation to this type, you are entitled to certain foods that are called hot.


Cotton wool: Tough people with small bones and thin, dark skin. With fine, dark and brittle hair. Small eyes, narrow lips, thin or snub nose.

- The most suitable foods for these people are: cereals and legumes - wheat, vegetables - all except raw onions and potatoes, fruits - all except apples, pears and melons, nuts - walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, sesame oil, dairy products - all lactic (especially yogurt);

He asks: People with medium build and well-developed muscles. Light skin, often strewn with moles and freckles, soft light or reddish hair. Facial features are moderately pronounced, the eyes are usually light and the nose is straight.

- Foods are as follows: cereals and legumes - all except corn, vegetables - all raw vegetables except onions, fruits - all except citrus, nuts - not recommended, dairy products - all except lactic acid, pastries - honey;


Kapha: Large, full people with large limbs. The skin is light, often oily, the hair - thick, with thick hair. The face is round, with large eyes and a nose. The lips are thick, the teeth are white and large.

- The most suitable foods for this type of people: cereals and legumes - corn, soy, vegetables - all but not raw, but stewed, fruits - apples and pears, nuts - not recommended, butter - sunflower and corn (limited), dairy products - not recommended.
