

Vodka is among the iconic, alcoholic drinks liked by both men and women. The drink is made on the basis of water and ethyl alcohol. There are different ones types of vodka. Some of them are odorless, colorless and tasteless. Others, however, are enriched with various flavors and colors. There are also those that have a fruity taste. Vodka is produced in a number of countries, including Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic, and this drink is traditional for Russians. The alcohol content of this type of drink is usually around 40 °, but it can be more.

Production of vodka

This type of alcohol is made from rectified alcohol. Boiled water is used as a diluent. Other additives used in the production of this alcohol are sugar, sodium carbonate, herbal mixtures, rye, barley, potatoes. The vodka is filtered through filters of quartz sand and activated carbon so as to obtain a liquid of transparent and clear color. The name of the drink comes from the word water. It is given because of the similarity between the two liquids.

Vodka originates from Eastern Europe, and there are several countries where its production is popular. It is interesting that different peoples make it in their own way and thus leave something of themselves. Russia and Ukraine are considered to be the largest producers of this type of alcohol. In them the liquid is distilled from rye, and the best products are offered on the western market.

Poles also produce vodka, using tomatoes and cereals. Finns, Lithuanians and Latvians prefer to use wheat. Americans and Canadians stop at molasses and grain vodka. The Japanese also produce vodka, but in general in this region of the world the production of alcohol is reduced.

Vodka Museum
Vodka Museum

History of vodka

According to some sources, a prototype of today's vodka was prepared in the ninth century by an Arab physician. At that time, the liquid was intended for medical purposes. Later in Europe, the recipe was developed by the Italian monk-alchemist Valentius. In the fifteenth century, vodka reached Russia, where it became a mandatory element of the holidays and customs of the population.

Peter the Great created the so-called pepper, adding red pepper to the alcohol. To date, the Russians have a museum of vodka, which was originally located in St. Petersburg, but was later moved to Moscow. It has various bottles of vodka, the oldest of which is from the eighteenth century. However, they are all empty, as the drinks turned out to be too tempting to keep themselves intact.

Storage and serving of vodka

In Rule vodka is consumed very cold. For this purpose, before serving, it can be placed for an hour in the chamber. Highly chilled vodka thickens. It spills with small cups that look like shots. They must also be pre-chilled. Larger cups with a stool can also be used. The vodka is drunk ex, and immediately afterwards the appetizer is swallowed. Traditional appetizers with vodka are pickles and pickled mushrooms. Other delicacies suitable for addition are herring, bacon, Russian salad and dumplings. In addition to vodka, Russians also consume borscht and roast meat.

Vodka in cooking

Vodka is a widespread alcoholic beverage that is consumed in its pure state, as well as mixed with other alcohols and soft drinks. In different cocktails it is mixed with champagne, red wine, different types of liqueur, mint, vermouth, brandy, gin and more. Vodka can be combined with all kinds of fruit juices and carbonated drinks. Aromatic vodka can be added to hot drinks such as coffee and tea. This drink has been present in Russian cuisine for many years.

Appetizer for vodka
Appetizer for vodka

Vodka is used in the preparation of jams and jellies. It is successfully used in various Russian soups, stews, fish dishes and meat dishes. Cooked and baked specialties can be perfectly complemented with just one or two tablespoons of the alcohol elixir. A few drops of vodka would add charm to pastries such as eggless cakes, biscuits, economical cakes and retro cookies. Fruit salads can also be enhanced with vodka.

Benefits of vodka

If consumed wisely, vodka can be useful for our health. It warms the body and improves blood circulation. It also has a disinfectant effect, so that superficial injuries can be easily treated with this liquid. Vodka also has a tonic effect and is especially useful during the cold winter months, when we are prone to colds and flu. Consumption of vodka in small doses improves heart function and strengthens blood vessels. Among the positive features of vodka is its ability to relax and relieve pain.

Here is more specific information about the benefits of vodka:

Vodka is a natural disinfectant and antiseptic. It can be used to treat toothache, clean wounds and disinfect the home. In fact, you will be surprised at how much of your household cleaning and hygiene products include alcohol in their ingredients. So you can just replace them with a little vodka diluted in water.

Reduces stress and tension

You may have heard that red wine has a relaxing and relaxing effect, but this is nothing compared to vodka, which studies show relieves stress better than wine.

Useful in the prevention of heart disease

Vodka can increase blood flow and circulation in your body, which can prevent blood clots, strokes and other heart diseases. Vodka can also help lower cholesterol. And for those who monitor their weight, it is usually considered a lower-calorie alcohol.

Refreshes the breath

We have already mentioned how vodka can soothe a toothache, but gurgling with it can also help fight bad breath.

Benefits of vodka for the skin

Vodka on the hair
Vodka on the hair

Do you use face tonics? Vodka acts as a natural astringent tonic and thanks to its disinfectant properties, can deeply clean your pores. (Just be sure to dilute it with equal parts water first.) It can also reduce acne with drying and detoxifying properties. But it can have a dehydrating effect, which you should watch out for if you have particularly dry or sensitive skin.

Benefits of vodka for hair

Vodka can be included in your beauty routine. It can be added to shampoo, conditioner and used as a tonic for rinsing hair. By adding 1 tbsp. vodka to the shampoo bottle, this can further help to remove accumulations on the scalp. Shake the bottle so that the vodka is evenly distributed throughout the product. If you have dandruff, there is an added bonus. Vodka can help relieve itchy scalp and reduce dandruff. To rinse, mix a tablespoon of vodka and a glass of water and rinse your hair after deep nourishment with hair conditioner. Your hair should look clean, shiny and juicy.

For shiny hair

We all apply countless products to our hair. These products leave residues behind. If these particles are not washed, the hair will look dirty soon. To save it from accumulating products, mix one tablespoon of vodka in a glass of water. After washing the shampoo, use the vodka for the last rinse. It cleans the hair and leaves it shiny.

Although vodka can have many positive benefits for your hair, it is important to remember that it should be used sparingly. If used too often or not diluted, vodka can dry out the natural oils in the scalp and hair.

For the treatment of dandruff

Many of us suffer from scaly scalp skin and dandruff. And this is inconvenient. Get rid of dandruff forever using vodka! Add three teaspoons of dried rosemary to a glass of vodka and leave this mixture overnight so that the rosemary ingredients can be mixed with the vodka. In the morning, massage the mixture into your scalp and then wash with cold water.

Folk medicine with vodka

The use of vodka as a medicine is also embedded in the folk medicine of Russia. In case you suffer from a sore throat, you have tried everything, but it still has no effect, you can try a cure with vodka. To do this, take two tablespoons of the drink and dilute them with 250 ml of water. Add two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and drink it. After a few hours, repeat the procedure.

Harm from vodka

However, vodka is an alcoholic beverage and as such should not be consumed often and in large quantities. Consumption of vodka is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as the elderly with serious diseases in the advanced stage.
