The Legendary Russian Vodka Celebrates Its Birthday

The Legendary Russian Vodka Celebrates Its Birthday
The Legendary Russian Vodka Celebrates Its Birthday

On 31 January is noted the birthday of Russian vodka. This date was chosen because on the last day of January 1865 Dmitry Mendeleev defended his dissertation on the high-alcohol beverage. This date is celebrated in Russia the feast of vodka.

The doctoral dissertation of the great Russian scientist was entitled On the combination of alcohol with water. Mendeleev worked on it for 2 years at St. Petersburg State University.

It is Dmitry Mendeleev who discovers the ideal proportion, thanks to which the hitherto popular 40-degree Russian vodka.

In his dissertation, Mendeleev set himself the task of studying the effects of alcohol and water compounds on the human body.

According to legend, the iconic chemist risked his own health through experiments, after which he found that the ideal vodka was exactly 40 degrees.

The first patent for Russian vodka was issued in 1884, and it was later recognized as a national drink by the Russian government.

According to historians, however, vodka appeared in Russian lands 5 centuries earlier. The problem then was that people were not able to establish the exact degrees at which the consumption of the drink was safe.

The history of Russian vodka dates back to the 14th century, when European traders imported wine alcohol to Russia. Until then, the country has not produced stronger alcohol than mead - a drink with honey, reminiscent of modern beer.

Vodka Museum
Vodka Museum

Because grapes are not grown en masse in Russia, people brewed alcohol mainly from cereals such as rye.

However, where does the name vodka come from, and to this day is not known for sure.

A curious fact about vodka is that in 1977 Poland challenged Russia's right to be called the homeland of vodka, trying to prove that the first quantities of spirits were produced on Polish territory. The thesis of the Poles remains unproven.

Apart from being the home of vodka, Russia is also the largest exporter of this alcohol in the world. The brands Beluga and Russian Standard are specially produced for foreign markets.
