The Ideal Appetizer For Vodka In Three Appetizing Options

The Ideal Appetizer For Vodka In Three Appetizing Options
The Ideal Appetizer For Vodka In Three Appetizing Options

Everyone knows that with the canning method we can store different products for a relatively long time and easily. In this case, it is not just about canning fruits and vegetables, but even meat and fish.

The method for canning fish is especially easy, which is why here we offer you 3 ideas that you can try, as long as you have a larger amount of fish:

Canning fish in its own sauce

Necessary products: 5 kg of fish, 3-4 packets of salt

Method of preparation: The fish is cleaned from the entrails, the heads and fins are removed and washed well. Cut into pieces and leave soaked for 30 minutes in saline solution, adding about 250 g of salt to 1 liter of water. It is then washed, boiled in salted boiling water prepared from water and salt in a proportion of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water, and immediately cooled to interrupt the heat treatment process. The pieces of fish prepared in this way are arranged in jars and salted again. 15 g of salt is added to 1 kg of fish. After placing the caps, the jars are allowed to sterilize in salted water with a proportion of 500 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Boil for about 110 minutes.

Canned fried fish

Canned fish
Canned fish

Necessary products: 5 kg of fish, 500 g of salt, 1 lemon, 600 ml of oil or olive oil, a few grains of black pepper and 3-4 bay leaves

Method of preparation: The fish is cleaned and cut as described above and placed in an enameled dish. Pour a saline solution prepared in a proportion of 250 g of salt per 1 liter of water. After 50 minutes, the fish is removed, drained and fried in very hot fat. Arrange in jars by placing spices and lemon slices between the rows. Drizzle with the fat in which the fish was fried, close and store in a cool, dry place.

Canning fish pate

Fish pate
Fish pate

Necessary products: 2 kg ground salted fish, 500 g butter, 3-4 packets of salt

Method of preparation: A pate is prepared from the salted and deboned fish and the whipped butter is added to it. Mix everything well, put in jars and close them. Sterilize (500 g of salt is added to 1 liter of water) for about 90 minutes. This pate is excellent on pieces of toast and ideal for an appetizer.
