New Hampshire Said No To Russian Vodka

New Hampshire Said No To Russian Vodka
New Hampshire Said No To Russian Vodka

The first state to revolt against Russian vodka was New Hampshire. This is part of the anti-Russian sanctions that local authorities have decided to take after the hacker attacks from Moscow.

At the last mandatory meeting of the US state of New Hampshire, a proposal was submitted for a complete ban on the sale of Russian vodka in the state. The initiative is the work of local Senator Jeff Woodburn.

Local authorities are convinced that everyone in the United States must respond adequately to Moscow. According to the current administration in Washington, the hacker attacks a few days ago were the work of Russians.

Anti-Russian sanctions include two specific measures. Woodburn's bill calls for a ban on the local pension fund from investing in Russian securities and a ban on Russian vodka.


Currently, 159 brands of American vodka are sold in New Hampshire, as well as many foreign ones. However, the instructions indicate only the famous vodka Russian Standard. For other products such as vodka Stolichnaya sanctions do not apply. The explanation is that it is made in Latvia.
