It's Ilinden! Here's What To Put On The Table Today

It's Ilinden! Here's What To Put On The Table Today
It's Ilinden! Here's What To Put On The Table Today

On July 20 the church honors the memory of Holy Prophet Elijah. He is one of the greatest righteous people in the Old Testament. He denounced paganism and was faithful to the faith of Christ. In the old style, it was on August 2, which was celebrated as Ilinden. But even though it's not the exact date, the day of St. Elijah is an occasion to bow our heads before the feat and heroism of the rebels.

Name day is celebrated by Elijah, Iliana, Ilko, Ilina, Elin, Elina, Licho, Lilya, Lino. May all those who celebrate this day be alive and healthy!

Ilinden is one of the biggest summer holidays at a time when there is a lot of work in the fields. This is the time of harvest and threshing. Craftsmen, saddlers and bakers also celebrate this day. The earth is sprinkled with holy water so that there is no drought and people enjoy a rich harvest.

The prophet Elijah is their patron, protector of lightning and thunder, protects the harvest of farmers from fires. Saint Elijah brings rain and moisture, protects life, that is why our people call it Elijah the Thunderer.

According to folklore, he raced across the sky in a chariot and sent fiery arrows when he was angry. On this day a prayer for rain is made, a dragon is ritually chased, which is a symbol of the land.

Ritual cake for Ilinden
Ritual cake for Ilinden

Photo: Tsvetoslava Kirkova

Ilinden's table it is also special. The women bake ritual cakes in honor of the saint and distribute them in the church or in a chapel named after the saint.

Men make a sacrifice from an old rooster, hen or lamb. Today, the blood of the sacrificial animal is seen to flow on a stone under a century-old oak, believing that this will protect them from drought, thunder and hail.

In the family where there is a name day, a stew is made from rooster, beef breast or steaks with vegetables. The children are treated to sweets.

Veal for Saint Elijah
Veal for Saint Elijah

Photo: Sevda Andreeva

You don't have to work on this day, you don't do housework because lightning can hit you. It is believed that the first person to enter your home will be the same next year.

On Ilinden everyone knows that you don't go to the beach, you don't go to the sea, because the sea takes victims.

Ilinden is also a day that bears the sign of the Ilnden-Preobrazhensko uprising of 1903. This is one of the most tragic stories in the annals of our country during the Turkish slavery, a severe consequence of the Berlin Congress after the Russo-Turkish war of liberation.
