

Lard is a type of fat that is obtained after bacon fat (or tallow) is subjected to heat treatment. Two states of lard are known - solid and liquid. The first form is characteristic of chilled lard, and the second is obtained when the fat is heated.

Chilled lard is characterized by a thick texture, white color, fluffiness and light aroma. When heated, it becomes transparent and its scent sharpens. Lard has a specific taste that many like. This is the reason it is widely used for cooking purposes.

History of lard

For centuries, lard has been present in the cuisine, folk medicine and way of life of many peoples. It is a typical culinary product and medicine in Bulgaria as well. It is highly valued especially in those parts of the world where the consumption of pork is highly prevalent and pork fat is as valuable as meat obtained from animals.

Over the years, lard has been used everywhere. For example, in the nineteenth century it was used as an alternative to butter in North America and many European countries. The product had the same purpose during the Second World War. At that time it was more affordable and cheaper. Towards the end of the twentieth century, however, lard began to gain notoriety.

Vegetable oils are becoming more and more popular in cooking, and animal fat is beginning to be considered harmful due to its high cholesterol content. Its use is also contrary to some religious beliefs. Thus, this fat is removed from restaurants in many western countries. It has come to the point that lard is stigmatized as food for the poor.

Composition of lard

Lard is known for its high content of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It is a proverbial source of cholesterol. The product also contains vitamin B4, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin D. It contains small amounts of zinc and selenium.

Extraction of lard

As we have already specified, lard is extracted of lard. For this purpose, it is first cleaned from the skin of the animal, washed well and cut into cubes. Place the saturated product in a deep saucepan, fill with water and simmer over medium heat, stirring vigorously during this time.

The fat is ready when the bacon has melted completely and golden streaks have formed. When this happens, remove the pan from the heat and add a little fresh milk to the mixture and allow to cool slightly. Then it is filtered and the pure liquid mass is distributed at your request.

Lard storage

There are different ways to store lard. Some housewives prefer, after making it, to distribute it in jars and preserve it. Others store it in pots. However, it is an obligatory condition to store the fat in a cool place / refrigerator, basement, cold storage /. This way it will keep its firm look and will be edible for a longer time.

Benefits of lard

Lard is among the products that have application in various fields. It is best known for its culinary uses, but it is also a valuable component in many folk remedies.

Lard has a softening, nourishing, healing effect. It is used in a wide range of unpleasant health conditions, but has a proven effect especially on skin problems. It is used for burns, irritations from insect bites, psoriasis, eczema, skin peeling, itching in small babies and the elderly.

Grease greaves
Grease greaves

It has a beneficial effect on cracked heels and elbows, stretch marks, cellulite, cuts. It is used to remove warts and other unwanted skin formations. It is also used in the fight against fever, varicose veins, sciatica, muscle pain. It has a positive effect on fractures, bruises, joint pain, sore throat, respiratory diseases, seizures, frostbite.

Consumption of lard acts tonic and reinforcing. It is recommended especially in autumn and winter, when our body is most at risk of viruses and infections. Moderate use of homemade lard supports our mental activity, strengthens our ability to work, energizes us. Helps to enjoy more beautiful skin.

In the past, lard had a perhaps forgotten purpose. It is used as a raw material for making homemade soap. Today, a wide variety of detergents and detergents may be present on the market, but in the past they were missing or were a luxury that few could afford.

Then lard came to the rescue. In fact, soaps made with it continue to be made in our country, and the reason is that many consider them much more effective against blemishes, but also harmless to human skin.

Folk medicine with lard

In Bulgarian folk medicine can be found a whole bunch of recipes in which one of the ingredients is namely lard. For example, for sore throat and persistent cough, it is recommended to take lard and honey. Take one teaspoon of fat and honey three times a day before meals and you will notice that the unpleasant symptoms begin to subside.

In case of burns or wounds, you can also use lard. The affected area is lubricated 2-3 times a day for a week. The pain subsides and the tissue begins to recover.

C using lard a miraculous ointment can be prepared to help with hemorrhoids. For this purpose, take four handfuls of finely chopped fresh calendula, which is put in 500 grams of homemade lard. The mixture is lightly fried and left in a cool, dark place for 24 hours. Then heat and strain. The resulting ointment is stored in a clean container in a cool place. It is used to lubricate problem areas.

Lard in cooking

Along with oil, margarine, butter and olive oil, lard can also be used in many recipes. Pure lard is preferred by many culinary virtuosos because it emits less smoke when heated and tastes richer than hydrogenated fats.

Lard in a plate
Lard in a plate

Lard can be used in making pizzas, pies, breads, cakes, pancakes, Easter cakes, rolls, cookies, biscuits. It is also used in the preparation of potato dishes, meat dishes and vegetable dishes.

In the past, the slice with lard and red pepper was an integral part of the table of many Bulgarians. In those years, the so-called fast food was unknown to Bulgarians, but on the other hand, butter sandwiches were preferred for a quick meal.

Lard in cosmetics

Lard turned out amazing effect on the skin and hair and for this reason it is present in homemade beauty recipes. This miraculous product makes the skin beautiful, radiant, smooth and supple. It is a natural enemy of wrinkles and imperfections.

What lard can do, can not be compared with the impact of the most expensive creams that you will find in cosmetic stores. Fat has the same effect on hair. Experience shows that regular use of homemade masks with lard nourishes dry hair and enhances its growth. It also makes her healthy and beautiful.

Harm from lard

Although numerous studies have proven the benefits of using pure lard, this product continues to meet its opponents. Many continue to claim that the regular consumption of lard leads to obesity, liver problems and more.

Many doctors forbid patients with high blood pressure to include meals in their diet. prepared with lard, as they believe this may adversely affect their condition. Another disadvantage of this fat is that it can cause allergies in some people, so it should be used with caution and moderation.
