Culinary Textbook: Melting Lard

Culinary Textbook: Melting Lard
Culinary Textbook: Melting Lard

The bacon, designated for melting butter, is cut into not very large pieces, which are placed in a large vessel and poured with cold water to soak for 1-2 days.

During soaking, the water is changed several times until it stops staining with blood. The pickled bacon is cut into small pieces.

In a tin or enameled dish, first place about 1/3 of the bacon with a little water so that it does not burn at the beginning. When it starts to melt, add the rest.

Melt over medium heat until all the fat has separated and the water has completely evaporated. During melting, it is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula on the bottom of the dish so as not to burn the melting bacon and give a bad taste to the fat.

When the greaves turn a nice pink color and the fat becomes transparent and no bubbles form on its surface, the dish is removed from the heat.

The fat is filtered through a thick strainer or canvas and poured into dry containers, usually in tenake or jars.


To improve the taste of the fat, after straining it, it is brought to a boil again. Then withdraw from the heat and for every 5 kg of fat pour 1 liter of milk. Pour a little milk so that the fat does not boil.

The fat is put to boil again until the water boils in the milk, and the clotted part falls to the bottom and turns pink. After clarifying the fat, pieces of apples or quinces can be added. The melted butter is filtered and poured into containers.

When the grease cools, a white sheet of paper, cut exactly on the walls of the dish, sticks tightly to its surface. Melt paraffin is poured on the leaves to form a layer of 2 mm. It insulates the grease from the air and protects it from rancidity.
